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Entrepreneurs Share Their Strategic Coach Results After Year 1

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This is probably the easiest blog post we’ve ever written or ever will write! Three open and articulate entrepreneurs talk candidly about joining Strategic Coach — all experiencing initial “leap of faith” fear — and about their Year 1 experience that followed, including their results.

If you’ve been thinking (and thinking and thinking) about The Strategic Coach Program and whether it’s right for you, read every word of this blog and watch the videos. We’re trying hard to stay objective, but we admit these three Coach entrepreneurs make it difficult.

Real experiences straight from Program participants.

Hugo, Shawn, and Scott each focus on a different perspective of their Year 1 experience in Strategic Coach, hitting on the three key areas that make Strategic Coach the top coaching program for successful entrepreneurs.

1. Hugo Brooks — One-Of-A-Kind Community

Company: Brand Dynamics Ltd., London, UK
Industry: High Tech/Brand Development

Insight: Hugo knows he already has what it takes to succeed (we call it “batteries included”), but says Strategic Coach gives him the extra clarity and support to accomplish even his biggest goals.


In his words:

  • Strategic Coach is a safe environment with entrepreneurs just like you, trying to accomplish the same thing as you.
  • Everyone who shows up is willing to participate in something that is going to improve their life.
  • Comprehensive entrepreneurial tools cover everything you can think of — all your questions will be answered.
  • The Program is real and relevant to today. I walk away knowing how to interpret everything — tomorrow. I think that’s amazing and powerful.
  • Your coach is not a teacher, but an experienced entrepreneur like you and me. They’re one of us.
  • It seemed like a huge commitment to make at first. Looking back after a year, the reward has been exponentially greater than the investment. I can prove that in money terms.

“Being in a room with people who have the same objective, who are also from different backgrounds and places in their journey, is incredibly rewarding, stimulating, and supportive. I don’t get that anywhere else in my life.

2. Shawn Shepheard — Noteworthy Growth

Company: Shawn Shepheard: Coach, Speaker, And Author, Pickering, ON
Industry: Coaching and Training

Insight: As a coach himself, Shawn had an “aha!” moment and asked himself, “How dare I coach people and not seek out coaching for myself?’”


In his words:

  • What’s different now is that I have a structure in place that makes me work on my future every single day.

[bctt tweet=”“What’s different now is that I have a structure in place that makes me work on my future every single day.””]

  • The workshops actually keep you on track, which leads to new opportunities and growth.
  • Coach is a brilliant combination of lessons and learning in the workshops, and time in between the quarters to apply what works for you.
  • The beauty of the experience is that we talk about our real life struggles and can learn from each other and grow.
  • There’s an immediate connection. There are very honest conversations; nobody holds back. We address the big questions in life. As entrepreneurs, there is nowhere else we can do this.
  • We’re not spoken to; we work together as a group. You hear about and even see the changes in people — like weight loss for example!
  • Embarrassingly, it took me nine years to join. I regret waiting so long — this is home for me.

“A lot of people who are really close to me personally and professionally have said, ‘Something’s changed about you, what’s different?’ The answer is Coach. This is ridiculously the best business decision I’ve ever made.

3. Scott Proposki — Coaching Support Network

Company: Photos In A Minute, Lawrence, MA
Industry: Photography

Fun Fact: Scott has worked with National Geographic, Google, and The White House! (He was invited to the White House to photograph former President Barack Obama!)


In his words:

  • Before Strategic Coach, I was on the go all the time. It’s helped me slow down and strategically plan my next moves on my goals and to restructure my life in a way that is more aligned with who I am.
  • I now find peace in slowing down, which was hard for me to do. The pressure is off, and I have comfort in knowing that I have time to do everything I want to do.
  • A serendipitous moment: On my way to my first Strategic Coach workshop, I met Ray Bourque, one of the greatest NHL hockey players, at the Boston airport. In answer to Ray’s question, I told him was on my way to see my business coach. He shared his insights about having coaches since he was 12 years old, and how coaching played a huge role in his success. This chance encounter really solidified my decision to join Strategic Coach. I showed up 100% excited and committed.
  • A 911 call to Coach! I was in the middle of a huge business deal that wasn’t going according to plan. I couldn’t even think straight about what to do. I made what I call my “911 call” to Kory, my Program Advisor. She helped me to slow down and make the strategic decisions that were needed, and I ended up making a lot of money on that deal — with great support from Coach. Gosh! It just makes so much sense to have a coach!

“As I wheel into the peak performance of my life, to have such a supportive structure in place, and with everything I have learned so far, I’m really excited about the next three years of the Program. There is just no turning back.

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