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Jeff Shore

Newcastle, California

Business: Shore Consulting, Inc.
Industry Specialty: Sales Keynote Speaker And Author
Website: http://jeffshore.com/

Success highlights:

Since starting the Strategic Coach® Program in 2012, Jeff has:

  • Dramatically transformed his freedom of time, making the transition from a seven-day workweek to taking 125 days away from the business in a single year.
  • Successfully implemented the Strategic Coach® tools to close in on 400 percent growth in revenue.
  • Found clarity on his purpose by delegating time-consuming activities to focus solely on his Unique Ability® activities.
  • Watched his business multiply while taking every other Friday off.

Read Jeff’s full story below.

Working more is not the answer because then you’re just doing more “stuff.” Strategic Coach gives you the strategies that will actually make a difference and have a huge impact on your life.

Life Before Strategic Coach®

My life before joining the Strategic Coach Program was extremely complex, my business was complex, everything was complicated, and I knew I’d hit the Ceiling of Complexity™. I was also working seven days a week and addicted to my email. I didn’t know what changes I needed to make, but I knew I had to start living my life very differently. 

One of the most honest and telling questions you can ask yourself as an entrepreneur is, can you extend the trajectory that you’re on right now and accomplish all the goals you’re working toward?

This was my big “aha moment”; I knew that continuing on the path I was on would not allow me to accomplish the goals I’d set for myself. It was a matter of transforming or failing.

Costs vs. Investments

In the business realm, we tend to view things as costs, and your first reaction is always, “How can I minimize it?” But if you change your mindset and start viewing things as investments, you start asking, “How can I maximize it?”

The same goes for Strategic Coach—you can either look at it as a cost or an investment. There’s no question that it has been my smartest investment since becoming an entrepreneur. Not only has it paid itself off financially many, many times, it has also paid off in our growth, enjoyment of life, and opportunity to do things we never thought possible as a team.

I can’t imagine life without Coach; I’ve never given a second thought to it. When I came across Dan Sullivan’s words of wisdom, “If you want to be substantially more productive, you’re going to have to work less,” I never would have thought that was the answer to growing my business 10x and taking significantly more time off.

My goal next year is to spend 150 days away from the office to rejuvenate. Right now, I’m taking every other Friday off, and next year I’ll commit to taking every Friday off. The most beautiful part about it is that, because I’m working much less, my creative time while I’m at work is much more powerful. If I know I’m going to be taking time off, it forces me to work on the right things when I’m in the office—it’s a far more gratifying way to live your life.

Words Of Wisdom

Our most powerful assets as entrepreneurs are the creative energy we bring to the table, our new ideas, and our innovations in doing business. You can’t do any of these things when your creative muscles are constantly being drained.

Working more is not the answer, either, because then you’re just doing more “stuff.” Strategic Coach gives you the strategies that will actually make a difference and have a huge impact on your life.

You learn to start spending your time working on the activities that really matter while watching your revenue, freedom, and happiness grow and transform.

Strategic Coach gets you where you want to go.